Morton Garden Buildings Ltd is spreading its’ wings this week with the team travelling to the Hebridean island of Tiree to erect a bespoke Studio and a Summerhouse.

The travel arrangements were made in advance by road, ferry, train and air to get the whole team and buildings over to the island.  Tony and Peter travelled in the Company vehicle by road to Oban on Sunday 30th September and stayed overnight enabling them to catch the early ferry – 4 hours sailing – over to Tiree.  They will prepare the bases for the buildings in readiness for the arrival of the building sections on Thursday 4th October.  These will be transported by road and ferry, so it is hoped the weather will be kind and no delays occuring on the ferry.

The rest of the workforce also leave on Thursday, travelling to Glasgow by train then on to Tiree by air.

Once the whole team and buildings are there, they will erect the Studio and Summerhouse working all the daylight hours available in October.  It is hoped the work will be completed by Sunday 7th October but two workers will stay on until Monday to finish any last minute jobs.

The island is very exposed to the elements, therefore careful planning and thought has gone into the design and materials used in the construction of the buildings.  The Studio has been insulated to a very high standard allowing all year round use.  Our customers were very concious of how the buildings would fit into the landscape and have chosen materials and colours to compliment the natural environment.

More reports and photographs from Tiree to come…